Lee Pace

Nitty Griddy Reviews Episode 27: Marvel Monday - Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1

This week, Sami and Bryan join me and Trystan for this month's Marvel Monday flick, Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 1. We talk about that gut-wrenching opening scene, when it is and is not appropriate to ask for Glen Close's hair, and, of course, Cosmo. Plus: listen to the very end for a quick interview with Sami and Bryan's son, Dez, who saw the movie with us in IMAX 3D - it's adorable! Be sure to check out our completed grids, below.

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Marvel Mondays Grid - GotG RACHEL-1.png
Marvel Mondays Grid - Guardians of the Galaxy Trystan-1.png
The Grid (Guests) - GotG Bryan-1.png
The Grid (Guests) - GotG Sami-1.png