
Season 01 Episode 14: Gender Bender

Trystan and I are back to talk about Gender Bender, scary sex, and the value of context. We also mention a director other than Chris Carter, as this is Rob Bowman's X-Files directorial debut! Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.14 Gender Bender Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.14 Gender Bender Trystan -1.png

Season 01 Episode 13: Beyond the Sea

Trystan and I are back to talk about Beyond the Sea, the genius of Brad Dourif, and the many emotions of Dana Scully. We also establish that if the pilot of The X-Files is the series foundation, then this episode is the rebar. Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.13 Beyond the Sea Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.13 Beyond The Sea Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 12: Fire

Trystan and I are back to talk about Fire, that weird Scotland Yard lady, and boner experts. We also discuss the cartoonish, motiveless monster of the week of this episode.  Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.12 Fire Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.12 Fire Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 11: Eve

Trystan and I are back to talk about Eve, exsanguination, and twinsies. We also reminisce about the '90s debates of the ethics of cloning and IVF. Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.11 Eve Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.11 Eve Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 10: Fallen Angel

Trystan and I are back to talk about Fallen Angel, character vs. myth, and if that first act was necassary. I also refer to this as season one episode eight in the intro - whoops. Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - O1.10 Fallen Angel Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.10 Fallen Angel Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 09: Space

Trystan and I are back to talk about possibly the worst episode of X-Files ever, Space. We also talk use the term "space ghost" several times without succumbing to a Space Ghost Coast to Coast joke and forget how many seasons of X-Files there have been. Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.09 Space Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.09 Space Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 08: Ice

Trystan and I are back to talk about Ice, '90s CGI woes, and toxoplasmosis. We also come up with a new life motto: "Probably has a parasite in 'em." Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.08 Ice Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.08 Ice Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 07: Ghost in the Machine

Trystan and I are back to talk about Ghost in the Machine, phone freaks, and DJ Scully. We also contemplate when is too old to play with Lego? Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.07 Ghost in the Machine RACHEL-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.07 Ghost in the machine TRYSTAN-1.png

Season 01 Episode 06: Shadows

Trystan and I are back to talk about Shadows, Scully's secret love of horror films, and the differences between horrible 90s women's business casual and okay 90s women's formal business fashion choices. We also contemplate the differences between wanting to believe and wanting someone else to believe you believe. Be sure to check out our complete grids, below! We also reference Fashion it So, which can be found here: (no affiliation, it's just cool!)

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.06 Shadows RACHEL-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.06 Shadows Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 05: The Jersey Devil

Trystan and I are back to talk about The Jersey Devil, Scully's sweet date night look, and that mind blowing sketch of the Jersey Devil herself. I also for some reason refer to a runway as a cat walk? Oh well.  Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.05 The Jersey Devil Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.05 The Jersey Devil Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 04: Conduit

Trystan and I talk about Conduit, the perfectly honed art of casting creepy kids, and the beginning of Mulder's emotional story arc. We also ponder the fine line between an episode's enjoyability and its importance to the series as a whole.  Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.04 Conduit Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.04 Conduit Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 03: Squeeze

Trystan and I talk about the original Monster of the Week episode, the '90s floral couch fabric surplus, and the art of finding just the right creep factor. We also talk about nostalgia and the ridiculousness of the '90s. Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.03 Squeeze Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.03 Squeeze Trystan-1.png

Season 01 Episode 02: Deep Throat

Trystan and I continue our rewatch of the X-Files by talking about Deep Throat, the magic of Seth Green, and the creepiness of housewives. Also, Past Rachel and Current Rachel collide thanks to some technical difficulties. Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.02 Deep Throat Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.02 Deep Throat Trystan -1.png

Season 01 Episode 01: The Pilot

Trystan and I break into The X-Files by talking about the pilot, which sprung forth from Chris Carter's head fully formed, like Athena from Zues. We also talk about mom jeans, early 90s synth, and the art of filming rain.  Be sure to check out our complete grids, below!

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X-Files on the Grid - 01.01 Pilot Rachel-1.png
X-Files on the Grid - 01.01 Pilot Trystan-1.png